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Global Impact Award for Teaching and Service

The University of Tennessee’s goals for all undergraduate students are that they recognize, understand, and celebrate the complexities of cultures and people; exhibit competence in cross-cultural communication, both domestic and international; demonstrate the capacity to think critically about international and intercultural issues; understand that knowledge is global; and exhibit passion for lifelong engagement with global learning. Faculty through their teaching and service are central to providing such opportunities for UT students.

In recognition of those faculty who have dedicated time and energy toward meeting these challenging goals, a Global Impact Award for Teaching and Service will be presented at the annual Chancellor’s Honors Banquet. Recipients of the citation will have completed innovative and exceptional work that enhances international and intercultural awareness among undergraduates. The work may have been completed by an individual or by a collaborative team. The awardee(s) must be faculty members. Awardee(s) will receive a certificate of achievement and a $2,500 monetary award; if multiple individuals share the citation, the monetary award will be divided equally among all awardees.

Nominations should be submitted by the head of an academic department or the director of a university program. However, all members of the campus community are invited to initiate a nomination by submitting information on behalf of a nominee to a department head or program director. The nomination document should consist of a one-page letter, written by a department head or other senior administrator, that describes the nominee’s work and impact upon undergraduate education via teaching and service programs. Nominees are also encouraged to submit a two-to-three-page summary of their work and explain how it addresses Global Impact for Teaching and Service goals and how it impacts undergraduate students.

Programs with fewer than 500 employees and/or students directly connected with the unit may submit one nomination. Larger units may submit up to three nominations.