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The Mace is symbolic of the member’s exemplary service to the University, its students, and greater society. The faculty member designated as Macebearer is usually one who has exhibited a longstanding commitment and service to the University community.

Nominations are submitted by collegiate deans and consist of a current curriculum vitae, not to exceed five pages in length, and a letter that clearly states how the nominee meets the criteria for the award, i.e., a demonstrated record of service and longstanding commitment to the University community. Outside letters of support are not needed. All nomination materials should be scanned and submitted as a single PDF.

Due to disparate numbers of faculty in the various colleges, the number of nominations from the units has been differentiated. The College of Arts and Sciences may submit up to five nominations, the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences may submit up to three nominations, the Haslam College of Business and the Tickle College of Engineering may submit up to two nominations, and all other colleges may submit one nomination.

Please submit nominations electronically no later than January 17. The nominations will be reviewed by a selection committee which will make recommendations to the chancellor.

History of the Macebearer Award